Sustainable Future

The African Creative City aims to reduce energy consumption through design strategies and construction, resulting in buildings that use less than 40% of the energy and water compared to conventional buildings. Alongside design and renewable energy, the city will prioritize the significance of operations and maintenance in energy conservation. To foster job creation, the development will incorporate education and sustainability programs for local youth. 

Market and Culture Interest

The African descendants in the diaspora have a strong connection with Africa and their ancestors. They have a deep bond and love for African culture, the stress-free environment, scenic beauty, and fresh air. Their feelings are so strong that many have decided to move to West Africa for a fabulous life at a fraction of the cost in America. They can work remotely or set up their own businesses. In fact, an average of 100 African Americans per day are making inquiries about starting a new life in Africa.

How will African Creative City become a Blueprint for Future Eco-Cities in West Africa?

African Creative City aims to be a leading example of sustainable urban development in West Africa. It will prioritize sustainable design principles to create comfortable outdoor temperatures and promote walking and sustainable transportation. The city will heavily rely on solar power and implement plans for net-zero energy buildings. It aspires to become a blueprint for future eco-cities in West Africa, inspiring and educating other cities and developments. The ongoing sustainable developments demonstrate its progress towards becoming a reference point for sustainable urban development. 

African Creative City A Sustainability Urban Community Development Project